Our latest project has just been released: the dub for issue #5 of our fan-made Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, Sonic Legacy!
Additionally, Issue #13 of Sonic Legacy is well underway and expected to be complete before March is over!
Now, for updates on some animation projects.
First off, a very big "Thank you!" to everyone who checked out and voted on our latest addition to the Sonic Shorts series! We really appreciate the Daily 1st Place and Weekly 2nd Place awards! We were also very, very close to a Monthly 5th Place. Again, thanks to all of you who checked out Sonic Shorts 10, voted and left reviews for us!
Second, Sonic Shorts 11 is coming along nicely and should be ready at some point before the year is out.
Lastly, Casino Calamity, which has been stuck in development hell for the better part of 12 years, has been given a much-needed revival. Several people have signed on in an attempt to have this project finished by mid-October of this year. Things are proceeding well and we'll keep you posted.
That's all for now. Suffice to say, we have a lot of awesome things in store for you all in the future!